SmartRecyclerView — An android library for quick setup of RecyclerView
Ever heard of Recyclerview being smart ?.
RecyclerView is the most common ViewGroup used to represents a list of items in Android applications.

If you’re new to Android Development or RecyclerView in Android I would recommend you to go through this article.
This idea of creating a SmartRecyclerView originates since every time I need to use a RecyclerView, even for small listing applications , I end up rewriting the same boilerplate code again and again, so I decided to create a simple generic adapter that simplifies things for me.
Source code and demo is available on GitHub here, so get it and have a look if you want to know more about the internals, I’ll just show you how to use it in your android application.
Let’s do it quickly!
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
buildFeatures {
dataBinding = true
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Kunalapk:SmartRecyclerView:1.92'